
作者:编辑: 时间:2016-09-26 点击量:



职称职务 青年,教授,博士生导师
学科专业 微生物学
联系方式 027-87001156(电话)027-87001156(传真)
电子邮箱 zhiliu@hust.edu.cn
教育经历 1993年9月-1997年6年,南京农业大学,微生物学系,本科;
工作经历 2003年1月-2004年12月,raybet官网,生物医学工程博士后流动站;
           2016年5月-   至今 ,raybet官网,生物技术系,教授 
学术兼职 中国抗癌协会肿瘤与微生态专业委员会委员,北京华元生物研究院(民非)理事长,深圳人体肠道微生态检测与干预工程实验室委员,温州医科大学临床医学兼职硕导。 
研究方向 宿主动物肠道环境中具有10倍于宿主细胞数量的微生物,其中包括益生菌、病原菌、条件致病菌等,这些微生物共同作用,参与宿主健康和疾病的调控。课题组感兴趣的科学问题包括:1)微生物培养组学:通过多学科组学交叉技术,建立肠道微生物菌株库和对应噬菌体库;2)肠道微生物应答宿主信号,参与宿主免疫、代谢调节的分子机理;3)微纳肠道微生物机器人研制:利用合成生物学技术和纳米医药技术强化肠道微生物的功能。



1)  微生物群体感应通讯系统与病害防控基础研究(2015CB150600),科技部973;2015,1-2019,12,课题组组长
2)  转录调控因子OhrR在霍乱弧菌应答厌氧-好氧环境转换中的分子机制(81572050),自然科学基金面上项目。2016,1-2019,12
3)  霍乱弧菌和肠道微生物信号交流促进其抗逆和定殖的分子机理(31770132)自然科学基金面上项目。2018,1-2021,12
4)  合成生物肠道菌群体系构建及应用,科技部重点研发(2019YFA0905604),2020,1-2024,12,课题组组长
5)  益生菌Nissle1917益生机理研究,raybet官网科技专项,2019,1-2020,12;
6)  从肠道微生物中筛选新冠病毒抑制剂,raybet官网抗击新冠专项,2020,4-2020,10.
1)一株有机磷农药降解菌DLL-1 (Pseudomonas putida). 专利号:01100595.5

2)利用中国红豆杉枝叶体外合成紫杉醇的方法. 专利号: 2004100600963.7
3)一种用于恶性肿瘤免疫治疗的药盒及其应用2018105385390 (转让)
5)一种用于厌氧微生物的培养基配置和分装装置2018208209875 (批准)
6)一种厌氧手套箱201820826108X (批准)
10)一种用于恶性肿瘤免疫治疗的联合药物, 申请号:2019107905089(转让)

1) Zhiyuan Zhang, Guozhong Chen, Jun Hu, Wajid Hussain, Fenxia Fan, Yalin Yang, Zhigang Zhou,Xiaodong Fang, Jun Zhu, Wei-Hua Chen*, Zhi Liu*. Mr.Vc: A database of Microarray and RNA-seq of Vibrio cholerae. The Journal of Biological Database and Curation.  Vol. 2019, Article ID baz069
2) Linlin Shi, Jianyong Sheng, Mengli Wang, Han Luo, Jun Zhu, Bixiang Zhang*, Zhi Liu*, Xiangliang Yang*. Combination therapy of TGF-β and commensal-derived probiotics provides enhanced antitumor immune response and tumor suppression. Theranostics, DOI:10.7150/thno.35131;  2019,9(14):4115-4129
3) Wang H, Xing X, Wang J, Pang B, Liu M, Larios-Valencia J, Liu T, Liu G, Xie S, Hao G, Liu Z, Kan B, Zhu J.Hypermutation-induced in vivo oxidative stress resistance enhances Vibrio cholerae host adaptation.PLoS Pathog. 2018 Oct 30;14(10):e1007413.
4) Gao, Na L; Zhang, Chengwei; Zhang, Zhanbing; Hu, Songnian; Lercher, Martin; Zhao, Xing-Ming; Bork, Peer; Liu, Zhi*; Chen, Weihua*.MVP: a microbe-phage interaction database. Nucleic Acids Research, 2018 1 doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx1124
5) Zhi Liu+*, Hui Wang, Zhigang Zhou, Ying, Sheng, NawarNaseer, Biao Kan, and Jun Zhu. Thiol-based switch mechanism of virulence regulator AphB modulates oxidative stress in Vibrio cholerae. Molecular Microbiology, 2016,102(5):939-949;(co-responding author)
6) Zhi Liu, Wenshu Liu, Chao Ran, Jun Hu & Zhigang Zhou. Abrupt suspension of probiotics administration may increase host pathogen susceptibility by inducing gut dysbiosis. Scientific Reports, 6:23214|DOI:10.1038/srep23214;
7) Zhi Liu, Hui Wang, Zhigang Zhou, NawarNaseer, Fu Xiang, Biao Kan, Mark Goulian, and Jun Zhu. Differential thiol-based switches jump-start Vibrio choleraepathogenesis. Cell Reports. 2016,14(2),347-354;
8) Ran C, Huang L, Liu Z, Xu L, Yang Y, Tacon P, Auclari E, Zhou Z. A comparison of the beneficial effects of live and heat-inactivated Baker’s yeast on Nile Tilapia: suggestions on the role and function of the secretory metabolites released from the yeast. PLOS one.2015, 10(12):e0145448
9) Menghua Yang, Zhi Liu, Chambers Hughes, Andrew M Stern, Hui Wang, ZengtaoZhong, Biao Kan, William Fenical, and Jun Zhu, Bile Salt-induced intermolecular disulfide bond formation activates Vibrio cholerae virulence. PNAS, 2013,110(6):2348-2353 (Co-first author) ;
10) Liu Z, M Yang, G.L. Peterfreund, Amy M. Tsou, M. Selamonglu, F. Daldal, Z. Zhong, B. Kan, and J Zhu. Vibrio cholerae anaerobic induction of virulence gene expression is controlled by thiol-based switches of virulence regulator AphB. PNAS.2011, 108(2):810-815. [ recommended as being of special significance in its field by Dr. Victor Dirita from the F1000 faculty, http://f1000.com/prime/717967920];
11) Liu Z, Tim Miyashiro, Amy Tsou, Ansel Hsiao, Mark Goulian and Jun Zhu. Mucosal penetration primes Vibrio cholerae for host colonization by repressing quorum sensing. PNAS, 2008, 105(28): 9769-9774 (in this issue)(Comment, E.M. Adler, N.R.Gough, and A.M. VanHook. Science Signaling Podcast: 23 September 2008 Sci Signal 2008 1:pc8).




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