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作者:编辑:任一杰 时间:2019-07-24 点击量:


  到达目的地后,Helene Virasith(项目经理)已早早地在门口等待迎接我们,热情的向每个人问候。在短暂的问候之后,Helene Virasith开始为我们介绍Genopole产业的相关内容。Be excellent,Be Genopole,短短四个词语就将Genopole的核心观念涵盖其中。以雄厚的实力为后盾,Genopole将leader,biotechnology,ecosystem三个关键词整合到一起,联系96家公司、16个实验室、近500名致力于生物健康研究的学生以及29个先进的研究平台,实现了在健康、食品技术、环境、生物科技产业及农业技术五方面公司的蓬勃发展。“最卓越的科学是从理论研究到临床应用”,Helene Virasith如是说,这无疑是科学研究中最重要的目的。接着,Helene Virasith强调了对于一个公司的发展,最重要的是资源的共享,以更少的花费获取更大的利益。这是我们从未接触过的关于企业发展的全新的知识,也引起了大家的深入思考。接下来Helene Virasith为我们介绍了公司的研究团队,在如何精确构建公司项目和协调关系网络方面与大家进行了深入的探讨。其次,Helene Virasith为我们详细介绍了现在正在进行的新项目—shake things up以及技术平台的接入,让我们了解到资源的共享对于科学研究的重要意义,大家认真倾听并积极提出自己的问题。最后,通过几个生动简短的小视频,Helene Virasith为我们大体介绍了Genopole公司中的实际工作环境,接着,她带领我们正式开始了今天Campus的参观。






  July 19, France time, today is the tenth day of study in the university of evry, and the last day of the summer camp. Not wanting to leave, everyone gathered on time at 8:20 in the morning and walked to the "gene valley" campus in Paris, France.

  When we arrived at our destination, Helene Virasith (project manager) had already met us at the door early and greeted everyone warmly. After a short greeting, Helene Virasith tells us about the Genopole industry. Be excellent, Be Genopole, these four words cover the core ideas of Genopole. With solid strength as the backing, Genopole leader, biotechnology, ecosystem three key words together, contact 96 companies, 16 laboratory, nearly 500 is committed to biological health study of students, and 29 advanced research platform, true in healthy, food technology, environment, biological science and technology industry and agricultural technology five aspects the vigorous development of the company. "The best science is from the theoretical to the clinical," says Helene Virasith, the most important purpose of scientific research. Next, Helene Virasith emphasized that the most important thing for a company's development is the sharing of resources, so as to achieve greater benefits with less expense. This is a brand new knowledge about enterprise development that we have never come into contact with, and it has aroused people's deep thinking. Helene Virasith then introduces us to the company's research team, which has an in-depth discussion on how to accurately build the company's project and coordination network. Secondly, Helene Virasith gave us a detailed introduction of the new project shake things up and the access to the technology platform, which made us understand the significance of resource sharing for scientific research. We listened carefully and put forward our own questions. Finally, Helene Virasith gave us a general introduction to the actual working environment of Genopole company through several vivid and brief small video. Then she led us to officially start our tour of Campus today.

  First of all, we came to its no.1 campus, which has perfect infrastructure and public communication center, where researchers can not only devote themselves to their research, but also chat or exchange research results. There are also many public trial facilities that researchers from different companies can use to share resources.

  Later, we went to another company, where the researcher's main research direction was childhood diseases. Under the explanation of the person in charge, we learned about the development history of the company and some of its current achievements. After the morning visit, the students returned to Avery for lunch.

  In the afternoon, the graduation ceremony was held smoothly according to the schedule. The team of the school of life science and technology of huazhong university of science and technology who went to France for the summer camp and the other two teams were arranged to attend the graduation ceremony and were awarded the certificate.At two o 'clock in the afternoon, the students arrived at the ceremony. Alan gave a speech on behalf of the university of Avery and relived his life with us. Later, professors from three schools presented certificates to three summer camp teams and took photos together. Recalled this period of life in France, hope to the certificate, the students are full of joyful smile on the face, because this certificate to witness the classmates in the PE the dribs and drabs of life, of the university of recorded the learning of students in genetics IBGBI learning life, record the classmates to visit each institute, recorded the classmates left in Paris every footprint.

  After issuing the certificate, we had a small home party. The school prepared delicious desserts and drinks for us. With the joy of graduation, the students were immersed in the home party.

  After the graduation ceremony, Alan held a seminar with us to talk about his views and Suggestions on the summer camp program and the differences between France and China. During the meeting, students expressed their opinions freely, from the Suggestions on this project to the accommodation, food and culture in France, which provided many constructive Suggestions for the future development of this project in Avery university and huazhong university of science and technology. So far, French summer camp ends satisfactorily.

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