会议手册:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o8kEUSU (提取码:szph)
1. New Opportunities for Imaging in the Management of Breast Cancer
报告人:Martin Yaffe, University of Toronto, Canada
2. 3D Ultrasound Imaging for Image-Guided Intervention
报告人:Aaron Fenster, Western University, Canada
3. Recent Advances in Image-guidance for Minimally-Invasive Interventions
报告人:Terry Peters, Western University, Canada
4. Adventures in diffuse optical imaging
报告人:Hamid Dehghani, University of Birmingham, UK
5. Machine Learning in Developing Multimodality Imaging Biomarkers of Breast Cancer
报告人:Chuan Zhou, University of Michigan, USA
6. Breast Ultrasound Tomography imaging in HUST
报告人:Mingyue Ding, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
7. Modern Technologies in Diagnosis and Treatment of Tuberculosis
报告人:Anna Starshinova, St. Petersburg State University, Russia
8. Image Guided Cardiac Intervention: from Simulation to Clinic Application
报告人:Lixu Gu, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
9. Graph based Medical Image Analysis
报告人:Xinjian Chen, Soochow University, China
10. Analysis of Transients in Dynamical Systems. Possible Applications to Diagnostics
报告人:Andrey Tremba, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
11. FPGA Design for Medicine Tools
报告人:Boris Krivoshein and Ilia Kirianovskii, St. Petersburg University, Russia
12. New Machine Learning Tools for Medicine Diagnostics Projects
报告人:Marat Nemeshev and Viktoriia Erofeeva, St. Petersburg University, Russia