Nanobiodevices-Based Single Biomolecule and Single Cell Analysis for Cancer Diagnosis/Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy
报告人:ProfessorYoshinobu Baba
Nanobiodevice is a piece of contrivance, equipment, machine, or component, which is created by the overlapping multidisciplinary activities associated with nanotechnology and biotechnology, intended for biological, medical, and clinical purposes. During the past decade, nanobiodevice has progressively begun to focus on the establishment of main four fields of biomedical applications of nanotechnology, including 1) diagnostic devices, 2) molecular imaging, 3) regenerative medicine, and 4) drug delivery systems. In this lecture, I will describe the development of nanobiodevices to analyze biomolecules and cells towards biomedical applications.[1-15] I developed numerous diagnostic nanodevices based on the single biomolecular separation and detection. Euglena-based “biomimetic mechanical system” enables us to develop reliable CTC (circulating tumor cell) separation and detection technique for cancer metastasis diagnosis. Immunopillar devices realized the fast and low invasive “from blood to analysis” type biomarker detection of cancer with fM detection sensitivity within 2 min. Additionally, nanopillar devices give us ultrafast separation of DNA and microRNA within 500 µs and nanopillar-nanopre integrated nanobiodevice enables us ultarafast single molecular DNA sequenging. Quantum dots are applied to develop nanobiodevice for single cancer cell diagnosis, single molecular epigenetic analysis, in vivo imaging for stem cell therapy and theranostic device for cancer diagnosis/therapy.
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Yoshinobu Baba, PhD
Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry
Director, FIRST Research Center for Innovative Nanobiodevices, Nagoya University
Director, Synchrotron Radiation Research Center,
Nagoya University
Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry
Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Professor, Department of Advanced Medical Science,
Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya Univeristy
Research Advisor, Health Research Institute,
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Associate Editor
Analytical Chemistry American Chemical Society
Editorial Board Membership for International Journals
○European Journal of. Pharmaceutical. Sci.
○Sensors & Actuators B
○Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics
○Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
○Journal of Chromatography B
○Lab on a Chip
○Journal of Microcolumn Separation
○Current Analytical Chemistry
○Current Pharmaceutical Analysis
○Analytical Chemistry
○Lab on a Chip
○Nanoscale Research Lett.
○Open Analytical Chemistry Journal
○Open Current Process Chemistry
○Advances in Analytical Chemistry
○Autmated Experimentation
The author or co-author of 725 publications, including research papers, review articles, books, and book chapters.
Patent: 70 JPN, PCT Patents, and patent applications
Plenary and Invited Lectures: 691 plenary and invited lectures at conferences, universities, and governmental/ industrial laboratories.
Awards: 101 awards were awarded for his and his group’s works.
TV and News Papers: His work has been cited on 292 occasions by newspapers and televisions.