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学术讲座_Presynaptic Ion Channels and high-fidelity neurotransmission at a developing central synapse

作者:编辑: 时间:2011-10-11 点击量:

题目:Presynaptic Ion Channels and high-fidelity neurotransmission at a developing central synapse

主讲人:Dr. Lu-Yang Wang, Professor

        Department of Physiology, University of Toronto;

        Senior Scientist, Program in Neuroscience&  Mental Health,

        The Hospital for Sick Children

时间: 20111012日星期三,上午10:30-12:00

地点: RAYBET雷竞技八楼会议室


地址:中国湖北省武汉市洪山区关山街道珞喻东路415号(东11楼)   邮编:430074

电话:027-87792072   领导邮箱:lifelife@hust.edu.cn