题目: "Regulations of Synaptic Vesicle Priming and Fusion by Munc13-1 and Synaptotagmin-1"
主讲人:美国德州大学西南医学中心 马聪博士
报告时间:2011年4月11日(周一) 上午9:30
Huazhong University of Science & Technology
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Sept 2004 to Aug 2007
Ph.D in Biophysics, Lab of Dr. Tao Xu, Beijing, China
Huazhong University of Science & Technology Sept 2000 to Jun 2003
Masters of Environmental Biology, Lab of Dr. Kaihong Zhao, Wuhan, China
South-Central University for Nationalities Sept 1996 to Jun 2000
Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry Wuhan, China
Postdoctoral Research, Lab of Dr. Jose Rizo-Rey, Sept 2007 to Present
UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
Expressed, purified, and studied membrane proteins and protein complexes involved in chemical synaptic
transmission using biochemically and biophysics.
Studied the 150kDa Snare complex/Munc18-1/Munc13-1 complex interaction by multidimensional NMR.
Used fluorescence anisotropy and FRET to probe protein-protein, protein-membrane interactions.
Studied calcium-induced structure conformation changes in PICK1 structure CD spectroscopy.
Developed a Ca2+ and Synaptotagmin-1 regulated membrane fusion assay.
Established a time based FRET assay both in solution and on membranes to monitor SNARE complex
formation by different regulators.
Solved the structure of the Munc13-1 MUN C-terminal domain.
Expressed and purified Munc13-1 in bacuvirus expression system.
Ph.D Research, lab of Dr. Tao Xu, Sept 2004 to Aug 2007
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Separated, purified and identified GLUT4 (Glucose Transporter 4) using tissue homogenization,
differential centrifugation/density gradient centrifugation, ion-exchange purification and Western blot.
Expressed, purified and crystallized the critical domains of Munc13-1.
Expressed, purified and crystallized Exocyst complex component Sec10.
Expressed, purified and crystallized GPCR protein.
Visiting Scholar, Lab of Dr. Hugo Scheer, Sept 2003 to Feb 2004
University of Munich & Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Munich, Germany
Crystallized PecE/PecF complex.
Studied the PecE/PecF catalyzed addition/isomerization of PCB-PVB to PecA.
NMR, X-ray crystallography.
PCR, site-specific mutagenesis, tissue extraction, western blot, pull-down, co-immunoprecipitation.
Membrane protein expression and purification; in vitro membrane protein reconstitution.
Lipid mixing and liposome-protein co-flotation assays.
Nanodisc-reconstituted assembly of membrane protein complexes.
Protein labeling, fluorescence quenching and anisotropy, FRET, CD and Micro fluidic assays.
E.coli, Sf9 cell and HEK293 expression.
Munc13 mediates the transition from the closed Syntaxin/Munc18 complex to the SNARE complex.
Ma C*, Li W*, XU Y, Rizo J. Nat Struct Mol Biol. (accepted) * Co-first author
Calcium binding to PICK1 is essential for the intracellular retention of AMPA receptors underlying long-term depression.
Citri A*, Bhattacharyya S*, Ma C, Morishita W, Rizo J and Malenka R C. J Neurosci. 2010 Dec 8;30(49):
16437-52 * Co-first author
Remote homology between Munc13 MUN domain and vesicle tethering complexes.
Pei J, Ma C, Rizo J, Grishin NV. J Mol Biol. 2009 Aug 21;391(3):509-17.
The Janus-faced Nature of the C(2)B Domain is Fundamental for Synaptotagmin-1 Function.
Xue M*, Ma C*, Craig TK, Rosenmund C, Rizo J. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2008 Nov;15(11):1160-8. * Co-first
An efficient co-expression and purification system for the complex of Stx4 and C-terminal domain of Synip.
Tian W, Ma C, Liu Y, Xu T. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2008 Jul 4;371(3):366-70.
Expression, purification and characterization of critical domains of Munc13-1.
Ma C, Hou H, Tian W, Xu T. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 2007 Aug; 39(8):617-23.